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I'm an idiot.

JhazKudo June 5, 2020 5:17 pm

I got surprised when I saw the tag "supernatural" HAHAHAHAHA. Like, hell, I completely thought having Ignite Pass, Vanishing Drive, Phantom Shot,Vice Claw, Barrier Jumper, Meteor Jump, Thor's Hammer (?)and all the other moves are normal. HAHAHAH I'M LAUGHING AT MY OWN IDIOCY. It got completely stuck on my head to the point that I Don't think I can even enjoy watching NBA anymore. HAHAHAHA

    JhazKudo June 5, 2020 5:22 pm

    I fcking posted on the wrong manga. Anyways, it's the same, it's just this is not from the main series where I meant to post this. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I REALLY AM AN IDIOT.