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For some strange reason I read this, in spite of knowing it was a tragedy. It imprinted it...

Anonymous June 4, 2020 5:01 am

For some strange reason I read this, in spite of knowing it was a tragedy. It imprinted itself somewhat in my mind, and more than many horror themed manga, this had scared me. He's gone, and you're there. You have his body, but it's now just a body - he's gone. See you again? I don't know about that...
Now both of them are gone. I suppose he sees that is the only other way. He doesn't want anyone else, and decided the best way out of it is to die after him.
So, have they found happiness? Are they in peace? Will thry truly see each other again?

If souls exist in this world, then it is to remain a big question mark. Perhaps, seeing the misery of these two, in another world, or in another timeline, they shall find each other again. Or perhaps their souls will endlessly drift, without purpose.

And that's a big "if".

Such is the gravity of death. Death is death, no matter which way you put it. They're gone.

Although the sight of a living man sleeping with a dead man is disturbing, especially after his suicide, it is the sadness of it, the doomed tragic fate of it, that made an even bigger impact.

There is only a cold, cutting, "the end".
