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What's happening anymore??

Wolfgang June 2, 2020 8:56 pm

Am I the only one confused about thier past? It's like every time a new chapter is released the mc becomes a totally different character because his actions don't make any sense to me. (Like when Yujin's POV showed him acting rude vs the mc's own POV which completely contradicts that).

    Potatoismyname22 June 13, 2020 3:44 pm

    Yeah, their past is confusing as heck,,, Maybe it's because in Yujin's view, MC was being rude to him while MC believed that he was being nice? Like different interpretations or views of the same experience? Seeing contradicting views of an experience is wild and honestly they just need to talk it out already like damn

    Tolly June 15, 2020 1:14 pm

    They were different points in time. For the MC that rude moment probably wasn’t something important but it was for Yujin and it made his view biased. He doesn’t even know about Mc’s struggles with that other guy.