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Chaotic early bday gift...

kouwanai June 2, 2020 7:25 am

Yup. I’m a Gemini. Ain’t got no twin tho or do I >_>”! At first I thought I was going into a love story...then that went south, literally nose dived into a tornado get my point. But WOW boy did I get some killing stalking vibes for a minute...and now I recall not haven finished that story hmm. Also didn’t anybody else get annoyed to point of wanting to throw said device through windows when A. the side characters were nonstop ignorant sided with the teachers bruh and B. I didn’t care for the recapped repeated chapters but I guess that’s how they were uploaded? Anytwho I thought I should share my pain and ease at mind with this stories concept on mentality disorders from all points and disability. I also read this story in one go and put two and two together lol. I love Namsoo’s strong brother attachment, smarts, and deathly fighting skill...As for Hyeongoh he went through hell from just after being born and those bullies deserved everything they had coming for them just saying. But now after finishing I feel that as twins and being separated they equally dealt with their darkness but diffidently differently. Yes I took many screen shots of the evil hot twin and any cute happy twin bro moments as compensation.
