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The one-shot at the end.

aNIME.Lover June 1, 2020 2:25 am

I'm really not sure how to feel about it. I do feel bad for the older brother, I mean his girlfriend did leave him for his brother, but at the same time i don't feel that bad for him. from the things the MC says, it seems like he kind of forced her to give up the things she likes. For example when standing in the rain (obviously happily) he tells her not to and to come inside, he always picks her food for her, when playing football he told her not to because its too "dangerous" for her and even when his own younger brother says, right in front of him, that his girlfriend is basically a dog obeys his every whim his only reply is that dogs are cute. Seriously man? Ask your damn girlfriend if shes happy with all these things. I just found him to be a bit selfish and self-centered.
