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Well, I did expect that Hatter was hiding his true appearance all this time, but it was st...

Anonymous May 31, 2020 11:30 am

Well, I did expect that Hatter was hiding his true appearance all this time, but it was still pretty surprising to see what he looked like.
He almost always seemed like a carefree goofball who patiently listens and explains things, so even with the hints that he was not as he seems from the title of "genius" and the relatively violent March Hare who wishes to defeat him (I think?) By his side, it was still surprising to see a contrast.
I kind of expected a wise and rather gentle appearance, youthful certainly and yet mysterious and unreadable. Well he's got the "youthful" and "mysterious and unreadable" part down.

But that he's a person he can plot seriously and have his smile look so off-putting at the same time really makes me start to worry. So far, I've seen him as a nice fellow, and I really did like seeing his wise old man interactions with most, so this is certainly going to make a contradiction. Like Snow White's father, who unexpectedly turned out to be selfish and cruel towards his wife. At least, in spite of Mad Hatter's unexpected side, I hope he's not a secret enemy or a destructive evil guy, or even just someone who will hurt the main characters. Now it's hard to see him as a goofball... I wonder what'll happen in the next chapters...
