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It was kinda creepy and weird the part when he fucked the dead body but idk why i cried, i...

Laniitaa:3 May 31, 2020 3:12 am

It was kinda creepy and weird the part when he fucked the dead body but idk why i cried, if you think about it it's a bit sad, i think the brown haired guy cut his throat because he knew that he couldn't have sex with the other guy while he was alive, also he was raped by his dad and had suicidal thoughts already, they promised each other that they would have sex once the brown haired guy was dead so it wasn't rape and that made it a bit less creepy, the brown haired guy said 'see you soon" and after having sex the blond guy repeated that words with the kinife close to his throat, i guess he meaned that he would see him soon in the afterlife or whatever (idk about religious stuff xD) and I found that cute, in the end you can tell that they really loved each other :') either way it was still kinda creepy
