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I liked it at first.. but finding out they we're like half siblings, that's just not my pi...

danny July 15, 2014 7:34 pm

I liked it at first.. but finding out they we're like half siblings, that's just not my piece of cake. Regardless i read it. And survived it by thinking that they weren't siblings. d:

    fangirl xD July 18, 2014 8:34 am

    That shocked me when I found out they were half siblings, but I prevailed!!! Haha but over all this was a great manga >_<>_<>_<

    yoru neko July 24, 2014 8:42 am

    you realy didn't until the end right? it's true that asahi was an kisaragi but sakuya was never one (his mother cheated on kisaragi's heir) so it's like this kisaragi + maria = asahi and sakuya's mom+ never known = sakuya

    Kuru November 25, 2017 11:01 am

    Sakuya and Asahi are not blood related at all. Asahi is Maria and the Kisaragi Group President, Kisaragi Ichirou's daughter. Sakuya is the son of Kisragi Ichirou's wife and her lover. Therefore, Sakuya and Asahi have different fathers, which makes them non blood related.

    It says clearly in the story.