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This is really great

Uranus May 30, 2020 2:52 am

Honestly I've been reading alot of hardcore bdsm rapey violent yaoi mangas with psychotic semes and dumb ukes, but this manga made me feel the fluff and sweetness I had not felt in awhile.

    Sato Mafuyu October 4, 2020 5:46 am

    Psrsonally, I read bdsm rape stuff when I'm horny xD

    I HATE that stuff when I'm not and only love fluffy and consent, but when I'm horny I LOVE bdsm stuff.

    Idk probably applies to others with this kink lol

    Uranus October 4, 2020 7:40 pm
    Psrsonally, I read bdsm rape stuff when I'm horny xDI HATE that stuff when I'm not and only love fluffy and consent, but when I'm horny I LOVE bdsm stuff.Idk probably applies to others with this kink lol Sato Mafuyu

    aye, its your thing. embrace the shit outta it.