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My thoughts.

Adeedas May 29, 2020 12:03 pm

Very few manga/webtoons attempt to protray abuse properly, so I appreciate this one doing so. From the phsyical/sexual/mental manipulation of Chanbit's self-worth, to isolating him from his workers and friends, everything was gutwrenching. I get why it was so hard for people to get throught the intial chapters, because it was truly toxic and visceral. But I appreciate it being so harsh, and showing what abuse really is. How it isn't just some sexual fetish plot but something that needs trigger warnings and gutteral protrayals to get the message across.

I also appreciate Yongha not being vindicated even with his backstory. A lot of webtoons like to play the victim card for the abuser (I'm looking at you Hogu Hagyeoungsu). And while it is true that most abusers have a history of family/sexual abuse, it doesn't justify abusing others in turn. Would I like to see Yongha and that slimy manager thrown in jail for abuse, coercion and illegal image distribution? Hell yeah. But I'll take career destruction and some punches to the face.

Ultimately, you really need strong willpower to get through the beginning, but the ending seems to make up for the whole ordeal so I'll say I thoroughly enjoyed this ride! (⌒▽⌒)

    SayerSong May 29, 2020 5:37 am

    I think you mean Chanbit and not Baekyung. Since Chanbit was the one subjected to Younga’s obsession and abuse. But otherwise I agree 110%!!!!!

    Adeedas May 29, 2020 12:03 pm
    I think you mean Chanbit and not Baekyung. Since Chanbit was the one subjected to Younga’s obsession and abuse. But otherwise I agree 110%!!!!! SayerSong

    Ah my bad! Mixed up the names will fix it:3