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A lityle late but...

Kitsune-chan May 28, 2020 12:45 pm

I wonder if ML fell for tia in the second timeline because she was scared of him and kept on avoiding him? Thats why he got interested with tia?... In the first timeline shes indifferent and never really picked his interest?... I really wonder what change his attitude all over for tia

    Kadidja May 28, 2020 12:52 pm

    She didn’t talk to him in the beginning. He eventually got curious of why she wouldn’t want to be near him or talk to him. I think he started to be nicer to her when he found out what he did to her in the first timeline. This was when she had a mental breakdown (I think), and he read the letter of the shit he did to her.

    Kitsune-chan May 28, 2020 1:00 pm
    She didn’t talk to him in the beginning. He eventually got curious of why she wouldn’t want to be near him or talk to him. I think he started to be nicer to her when he found out what he did to her in the f... Kadidja

    Oh yeah, i remember! Thanks

    Kadidja May 28, 2020 1:52 pm
    Oh yeah, i remember! Thanks Kitsune-chan

    You’re welcome