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Animeeeeweeb May 27, 2020 6:41 am

Can someone explain to me the situation? I kinda get lost with what happens between Alice and the other guy (red king? I forgot)

    Mimori-chan May 27, 2020 2:10 pm

    So....alice is the true king..the red king was a guy from snow's world. But somehow got to Alice's world and then took over...
    So mirror (the guy not the world) wants to set things right. He also wants to save Snow white all sense..somehow

    Kira-san January 2, 2021 11:48 am
    So....alice is the true king..the red king was a guy from snow's world. But somehow got to Alice's world and then took over...So mirror (the guy not the world) wants to set things right. He also wants to save S... Mimori-chan

    But why did he sent her to another world again?! Is she gonna die?!