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This ain't even bad. Why are some peeps hating on it? The plot was great, and losing your ...

roux May 26, 2020 8:29 pm

This ain't even bad. Why are some peeps hating on it? The plot was great, and losing your memories twice is actually quite possible, though, dangerous. Y'all gotta read it through, and give the author some credit. Anyway, I just didn't like the fact that Jinyoo went for Hayan instead of Gyuh-wool or Sungtae at the end. Soooo, I need a book two. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    YaoiIsLife May 28, 2020 3:30 am
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    How is it transphobic though. I swear, so many people are using this serious word so haphazardly.

    When I hear transphobic, I assume that the trans character is being criticized/hated/bullied for being a trans. I just didn't see the MC do that. In fact, in the final chapters, the MC even stroked Hayan's penis and still referred to her as she. He even said he asked hear to be his girlfriend.

    Also, what's wrong with Hayan confessing she was a trans? Isn't honesty an important part of every relationship? If she's proud of being a trans then she shouldn't hide it.

    YaoiIsLife May 29, 2020 4:17 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! owo

    (I saw only the parts where the MC referred to Hayan as his girlfriend. It would be nice if you could direct me to the chapters where he says he's gay even if he was dating Hayan.)

    That may be so but calling it transphobic is just too much in my opinion. I wouldn't say their relationship was platonic either. It was more like the "Suspense Bridge Effect". Frankly Hayan's character as a whole served little to no purpose to the story really.

    About the penis thing what I was trying to say is that the MC acknowledges that Hayan has a penis, a male genitalia, but he still refers to her as a she. If it was transphobic, he would've not touched it all so as not to "break" the idea that Hayan is a girl.