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I dont get the hate

Scaravanji May 25, 2020 5:31 pm

I dont get the hate for the MC, shes a women transported from the modern era to a fictional past. She doesn't have they memories from the previous body owner and the only knowledge she has is from what she read. The only thing shes really knows it that the Duke and Ain are suppose to be monsters and she use to be one too. Yeah shes an airhead but what do you expect, she saw someone's bloody be dragged away and shes stuck in a society she barely understands. Its not like in her previous life she was a politician and some genius master mind. She was a average everyday teacher and believes the reason Ain turns out to be a monster is because of what she did to him. So its reasonable to expect her to want to shower him with love, even if its overbearing. Do you really expect her to let her kid be raised as a ruthless psychopath? People forget modern day kids arent treated like adults, they are treated like children.

    maychan May 25, 2020 8:56 pm

    I mostly hate how she admirer Ain like he is an angel just cause he is a child, what really annoying. since she comes from the modern world and not from that world, she supposes to be more subjective and try to see the bigger picture, but no she instead decided to be biased to Ain she thinks has cute and totally ignore EVERYTHING else. I don't expect her to do big things, but at least try to listen to other points of view too.
    especially is she was a daycare teacher before, I feel sorry for the children she took care off.
    even average person will try to look at the bigger picture of the world he got into and not be so fucking bias!
    she read in the book their whole family ARE ruthless psychopaths, she can't change the history of their family! at least she could act and think more logically then how she is.