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SOS anyone knows this yaoi manga? :(

owo May 23, 2020 3:51 pm

SOS! If anyone knows the manga title, I can't remember it! It's a yaoi and the first book starts of with a boy falling in love with a ghost that can't sleep. Every night the ghost will sleepwalk to a bridge and "re-act" his death and fall off it. Turns out the ghost is actually in coma after falling off the bridge and book 1 is happy ending. Book 2 continous the story where the ghost person wakes up and continous his life but doesn't remember his time as a ghost. So he doesn't remember the boy nor falling in love with him. Book 2 is about the boy trying to get the ghost person to love him again. Hope that's enough info, fingers crossed someone knows this manga title! ;___; it had one of the nicest art styles I've seen.
