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Demon-king May 23, 2020 1:25 pm

Leon’s tragic backstory DOES NOT AND I REPEAT DOES NOT EXCUSE THE FACT HE RAPED AND HURT OTHERS. He did exactly what was done to him to other people Knowing well the damage and pain it causes. I understand the story will move to try and persuade us that Leon is simply in pain and needs to be rescued by the alpha and that Leon will regret the things he has done but his character in my opinion is beyond dislikeable at this point and his story although very tragic and traumatic doesn’t excuse his actions.

    D4i5one May 23, 2020 1:30 pm

    Came back to see the comment not the story because gosh it's get on my nerve every time and I could only say AMEN to you the truth has been told

    Mayjanai May 23, 2020 1:50 pm

    I strongly agree!!!!!!!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Jaya May 23, 2020 2:12 pm

    What about what happened in the beginning with the two mc but all is forgotten and forgiven but leon cant be especially after he was groomed to be like this as a little kid not saying what he did was right but if you can forgive on you should forgive the other leon has a back story the mc love intrest just loved him so much he assaulted the other mc and tired to get him pregnant ( ̄へ ̄)

    Demon-king May 23, 2020 7:59 pm
    What about what happened in the beginning with the two mc but all is forgotten and forgiven but leon cant be especially after he was groomed to be like this as a little kid not saying what he did was right but ... Jaya

    Nah haven’t forgiven or forgotten I for one stick to this story simply for the fact that I have a problem with leaving anything half done including a manga like this. However, Leon was a victim of sexual abuse as a kid and yes he was groomed yet the story will try and tell us to like him and forget the fact he has also raped someone or forgive his actions.
    With the main couple no one ever said what happed was okay but the story isn’t forcing us to like or forgive the rape that happed between the two Like it will do with Leon so with the main couple you can continue to hate the rapist while in Leon’s case him having been a victim will bandage the fact he is a rapist.

    D4i5one May 23, 2020 8:27 pm
    Nah haven’t forgiven or forgotten I for one stick to this story simply for the fact that I have a problem with leaving anything half done including a manga like this. However, Leon was a victim of sexual abus... Demon-king

    Damn man, I've never been so in sync with anybody you litteraly speak my mind, I did not have the energy to argue but you did with the same word I used in my mind... thank you for being so clear and transparent about the situation. What you're saying is fact not an opinion so people should understand it

    Jaya May 24, 2020 2:44 am
    Nah haven’t forgiven or forgotten I for one stick to this story simply for the fact that I have a problem with leaving anything half done including a manga like this. However, Leon was a victim of sexual abus... Demon-king

    I understand where you coming from and thank you for seeing both wrongs