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Never have I ever been so infuriated when reading a sex scene. My dude. My god. The only t...

udontknowmeanduneverwilllol May 19, 2020 2:17 pm

Never have I ever been so infuriated when reading a sex scene. My dude. My god. The only time I'm in pain is for kangwoo. Why did the uke not bother establishing his insecurities throughout the entirety of their relationship of 8 years? A relationship is about communication...yet why does the uke just blame Kangwoo for his own insecurities? Kangwoo never showed his remorse or hate in the relatuonship-- uh, maybe he just doesn't fucking know how to express his emotions... I understand that he was unwsnting to ocme out of the closet, but that's on him so the uke should respect that ifykyk. AND BRUH, EHT EOULD YOU BREAK UP WITH SOMEONE LIKE THAT?! like my would have been an easy convo instead of trying to make him insecure about the relationship and then verbally beating the shit out of him omegmeuggosh unloyal within the relationship and brutally going for another right after (especially considering its a long 8 yr relationship) from the get go...but you have the audacity to question Kangwoos love for you when he not only helped you adapt to another environment but you should be reflecting on your own dammit-- and speaking of that, he should be loving himself more than desiring to be loved...ain't no one going to pull you back together; its on you sis... mygooodiwsnttostrangletheuke stop using these men for your own insecurities plsssfjejdns seriously, one for rebound and one for not loving you enough...because of a phonecall...

Oh and fuck the other guy but he's low-key the one I like themost...since he's like...slapping the uke back to fucki g reality
