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I haven't read this nor do I intend to, simply bc I don't particularly like this pairing. ...

Reylla May 19, 2020 1:02 am

I haven't read this nor do I intend to, simply bc I don't particularly like this pairing. I am here only to correct a constant mistake I've seen pop up in the comments: NO, JAPAN DOESN'T HAVE A "CONSENT AGE" OF 13 YEARS OLD!!!!!

What Japan does have is a statutory rape law, that determines anyone who has sex with someone younger/of the age 13 years old, will automatically be committing a CRIME, and face up to 20 years in prison. A law, btw, that exists in most countries, including Brazil (called here "estupro de vulneravel").
Now, the age of consent is actually 18 years old, according to their Juvenile Act of Obscenity (it protects people younger than 18 from "unethical relationships"), althought some places have been lowering the age to 16, depending the cases presented (I.e. people of the same age having sex).
Stop spreading misinformation and xenophia ( ̄∇ ̄")
