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i dont understand shit and yet im still reading it lol, i only understand it till chapter ...

imasinner May 18, 2020 8:36 pm

i dont understand shit and yet im still reading it lol, i only understand it till chapter 27 thanks to someone's good ass summary, its chapter 39 now.. so can someone give this dumbass some spoilers ╥﹏╥

    krazynbaby May 18, 2020 10:44 pm

    okay since u read the previous summary here’s 28 to 39, the most recent chap:

    like i said from the previous summary, mia suspected that the paho tribe is aiming for heroifa, the second largest city of istania. starting at chap 28, the min and mu tribes are training together and mia displays her excellence in archery and the min tribe looks down on her bc she’s a woman. (i don’t wanna make this too long so i’ll try to b brief) anyways, later on her falcon gets shot down and she discovers that the paho tribe has passed through the southeastern region of amalfa, the largest city of istania (and also the city where they’re in rn), and have been getting resources from bardzawa, the city in which the run tribe is controlling trade. she discovers that the paho tribe is actually taking a detour at villages to scare the villagers and get food and loot. and thus many refugees are heading to heroifa but remember that the paho tribe is also heading there. now, the raja is uncertain if he should defend amalfa or go to defend heroifa and that’s when mia steps in and says she and her cavalry will go instead and thus raja wishes for her safety. now the mu tribe is quite upset with putting their ppl in danger again and sending their cavalry into battle but they wish the best for their leader.

    mia goes with her ppl and the mu tribe attack the paho tribe at a village i believe. the leader of the paho tribe (let’s call him pink hair cause it’s too long)decides to go take care of the mu tribe himself bc he’s curious abt mia. u might wonder why? well his father was killed by the mu tribes leader so he wanted to take revenge and the leader rn is mia and after hearing that it’s a woman who was a court musician in the palace he decided to face the mu tribe himself. mia and this guy the raja sent to follow and protect her are hiding in the forest and that’s when pink hair finds them and attacks the guy with mia and he falls unconscious. he grabs mia and tells her to serve him and that she shouldn’t put the mu tribe and herself to be enslaved to istania(this really hit her hard btw, she thinks abt this “enslavement” after recovers) anywyas, she stabs him and jumps off a cliff saying the mu tribe doesn’t work under other ppl but for themselves and that makes pink hair think abt her later on. okay at the time mu tribe and paho tribe were fighting, the raja decides to go to heroifa this time too to face the paho tribe head on. he tells the ppl in the palace he’s staying at to let refugees in since they had nowhere to go. now after this the raja takes his military to face the paho tribe , now pink hair provokes the raja saying he would’ve thought abt letting this attack go if he gave him mia and describes her features. pink hair makes it sound like she’s gone and the raja refuses to believe this. at the time mia was residing in a tent that was catching on fire and as soon as she thought she was abt to die the raja came and saved her. (wow this is so long i’m so sorry) okay so she gets saved and the raja tells her to rest basically and they’re really intimate and the raja tells her he tried to suppress his feelings for her by going through a political marriage but failed to do so. okay at this point they’re obviously in love but mia knows she can’t be in his harem as the mu tribe leader. rumors are going around that she’ll become the concubine and abazir (old guy with misdeeds form min tribe) gets a message from shahab (run tribe traitor) saying that abazir should join his side with the paho tribe bc raja actually decides to marry mia(this is false info btw, shahab jus tryna persuade abazir) well raja knows abt the corruption in his court comes from abazir and is deciding to get rid of him. also, from my previous summary ,like i said, raja is mentally troubled he thinks everybody blames him for deaths and everything so he’s traumatized (her brothers were killed bc he was picked to be raja and later his mother hung herself) his father also reminded him that he carries the pool of blood of the ppl and to rememebr it so he’s very mentally unstable. he resorts to violence or sex to get rid of this emotion and thus tries to push mia away cause he’s scared he’ll hurt her.

    oh i forgot to mention simeya and taga min , like i said simeya tryna get a higher rank so she’d stopped being looked down upon. she decides to go to heroifa herself to help the ppl and that leaves nobody at the palace, i’m not really sure why taga min acts this way but basically he’s like i like being a beloved tribe leader but i just want to make u, simeya, to hate him. ?? idk why tho but anywyas chap 39 ends with simeya arriving at heroifa.

    even tho this isn’t a spoiler , hope this helped

    krazynbaby May 18, 2020 10:46 pm

    okay since u read the previous summary here’s 28 to 39, the most recent chap:

    like i said from the previous summary, mia suspected that the paho tribe is aiming for heroifa, the second largest city of istania. starting at chap 28, the min and mu tribes are training together and mia displays her excellence in archery and the min tribe looks down on her bc she’s a woman. (i don’t wanna make this too long so i’ll try to b brief) anyways, later on her falcon gets shot down and she discovers that the paho tribe has passed through the southeastern region of amalfa, the largest city of istania (and also the city where they’re in rn), and have been getting resources from bardzawa, the city in which the run tribe is controlling trade. she discovers that the paho tribe is actually taking a detour at villages to scare the villagers and get food and loot. and thus many refugees are heading to heroifa but remember that the paho tribe is also heading there. now, the raja is uncertain if he should defend amalfa or go to defend heroifa and that’s when mia steps in and says she and her cavalry will go instead and thus raja wishes for her safety. now the mu tribe is quite upset with putting their ppl in danger again and sending their cavalry into battle but they wish the best for their leader.

    mia goes with her ppl and the mu tribe attack the paho tribe at a village i believe. the leader of the paho tribe (let’s call him pink hair cause it’s too long)decides to go take care of the mu tribe himself bc he’s curious abt mia. u might wonder why? well his father was killed by the mu tribes leader so he wanted to take revenge and the leader rn is mia and after hearing that it’s a woman who was a court musician in the palace he decided to face the mu tribe himself. mia and this guy the raja sent to follow and protect her are hiding in the forest and that’s when pink hair finds them and attacks the guy with mia and he falls unconscious. he grabs mia and tells her to serve him and that she shouldn’t put the mu tribe and herself to be enslaved to istania(this really hit her hard btw, she thinks abt this “enslavement” after she recovers) anywyas, she stabs him and jumps off a cliff saying the mu tribe doesn’t work under other ppl but for themselves and that makes pink hair think abt her later on. okay at the time mu tribe and paho tribe were fighting, the raja decides to go to heroifa this time too to face the paho tribe head on. he tells the ppl in the palace he’s staying at to let refugees in since they had nowhere to go. now after this the raja takes his military to face the paho tribe , now pink hair provokes the raja saying he would’ve thought abt letting this attack go if he gave him mia and describes her features. pink hair makes it sound like she’s gone and the raja refuses to believe this. at the time mia was residing in a tent that was catching on fire and as soon as she thought she was abt to die the raja came and saved her. (wow this is so long i’m so sorry) okay so she gets saved and the raja tells her to rest basically and they’re really intimate and the raja tells her he tried to suppress his feelings for her by going through a political marriage but failed to do so. okay at this point they’re obviously in love but mia knows she can’t be in his harem as the mu tribe leader. rumors are going around that she’ll become the concubine and abazir (old guy with misdeeds form min tribe) gets a message from shahab (run tribe traitor) saying that abazir should join his side with the paho tribe bc raja actually decides to marry mia(this is false info btw, shahab jus tryna persuade abazir) well raja knows abt the corruption in his court comes from abazir and is deciding to get rid of him. also, from my previous summary ,like i said, raja is mentally troubled he thinks everybody blames him for deaths and everything so he’s traumatized (her brothers were killed bc he was picked to be raja and later his mother hung herself) his father also reminded him that he carries the pool of blood of the ppl and to rememebr it so he’s very mentally unstable. he resorts to violence or sex to get rid of this emotion and thus tries to push mia away cause he’s scared he’ll hurt her.

    oh i forgot to mention simeya and taga min , like i said simeya tryna get a higher rank so she’d stopped being looked down upon. she decides to go to heroifa herself to help the ppl and that leaves nobody at the palace, i’m not really sure why taga min acts this way but basically he’s like i like being a beloved tribe leader but i just want to make u, simeya, to hate him. ?? idk why tho but anywyas chap 39 ends with simeya arriving at heroifa.

    even tho this isn’t a spoiler , hope this helped

    krazynbaby May 18, 2020 10:54 pm

    oops i sent it twice by accident , read the second one

    Airam May 19, 2020 1:19 pm
    okay since u read the previous summary here’s 28 to 39, the most recent chap:like i said from the previous summary, mia suspected that the paho tribe is aiming for heroifa, the second largest city of istania.... krazynbaby

    I really like your summary. I understand it very well. thank you for this ~ (≧∀≦)

    imasinner May 19, 2020 2:55 pm
    okay since u read the previous summary here’s 28 to 39, the most recent chap:like i said from the previous summary, mia suspected that the paho tribe is aiming for heroifa, the second largest city of istania.... krazynbaby

    OMG OMG THANK YOU SO MUCHHH!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ youre such a big help

    hfaurjdocsohrie May 20, 2020 7:40 am
    okay since u read the previous summary here’s 28 to 39, the most recent chap:like i said from the previous summary, mia suspected that the paho tribe is aiming for heroifa, the second largest city of istania.... krazynbaby

    Holy crap sparksnotes thanks so much