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Shouji: *leaves Niki after spoiling him all this time and leave him with that suspicious d...

Anonymous Happy Smile May 18, 2020 2:55 am

Shouji: *leaves Niki after spoiling him all this time and leave him with that suspicious dude for selfish reasons*
Plagiarizing dude: *publishes Niki’s manga*
Niki: *publishes original of that manga*
Plagiarizing dude: WHY RUKO?! I’M NOT A FAN ANYMORE YOU STEAL MINE!! *attempted rape just to see Shouji’s wrath*
Niki: *proves his manga got plagiarized*
Readers: ... that’s normal

The issue: Plagiarizing dude didn’t get any hate or get what he deserves for almost ruining Niki’s career/life. He needs to rot or else.

    boohoo July 23, 2020 7:50 pm

    and it's funny cus this is exactly what happens in real life with cancel culture. if someone is accused of anything, people will immediately bash on them without evidence. this manga was probably made years ago? sad to think that it's become a reality

    Lotus January 7, 2021 6:43 am

    About the issue. The guy was holding a knife while crying and saying that his career was over. And then he was almost kicked to death by Shouji. I think he got what he deserved. Though he should do some jail time for that rape attempt.