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2 major things that bothered me and my reason for not giving 5 stars: 1- that extra after...

Lady P0ny May 16, 2020 9:31 am

2 major things that bothered me and my reason for not giving 5 stars:

1- that extra after the "let's break up" cliffhanger. WTF? that's not the right place for a cute extra, you end a chapter with "let's break up" and then puts an extra????????? NO.

2 - that fucking ex should die alone in a ditch. He was cruel to Aki when they were together, stating he didn't like him or anything, then he broke up with him thinking Aki would be forever alone waiting for him - even tho he said he wasn't faithful during their relationship. He outed Aki to his father (thank god the father is an awesome parent) and then he made Aki more anxious than he already was which caused the break up and then the mangaka makes Aki actually listen to this piece of shit as a friend? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I felt to unsatisfied by how the mangaka handled the ex. He is pure garbage, he should never be the one that brings them together at the end.

The rest I loved it. Aki's concerns were pretty realistic and relatable. I love this couple.
