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Okay but like what happened to his car???? And I feel like Ed needs to take more responsib...

Badbish34 May 15, 2020 4:02 pm

Okay but like what happened to his car???? And I feel like Ed needs to take more responsibility for the situation

    azxmaya May 15, 2020 4:23 pm

    Pretty sure Chang is the reason

    Ale Schuldiner May 15, 2020 4:32 pm

    Since McQueen hit Chang’s car, I suppose he got his repay by smashing Glenn’s and punching his handsome face. I do think Ed will take more responsibility, like this was a quick talk, but he knows they have to sort out all the things that are hurting them individually and as a couple, and that’s why he wants time, so they don’t make the same mistakes again. So I think eventually, through words and actions, he will demonstrate his regret for the things he said that night. At least that’s my take on this :p