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Mates, we are officially on the Gold Age of Omegaverse! (/TДT)/ Its worth saying that...

Lyns May 15, 2020 3:31 am

Mates, we are officially on the Gold Age of Omegaverse! (/TДT)/
Its worth saying that I went from those trying-to-reasonate-a-rape-with-the-godamn-pheromones to everyone can get a happy end with a lot of kids I always whised for! You know, reason I got interesed in omegaverser was because they are two guys that can actually have kids! But what I got was the always rape that I was trying to scape from ╥﹏╥ And rarely kids.
Well this one starts like your avarage omegaverse that i'm stating I hate here, but it becomes so much moreee!
I'm so happy that curretly there are more and more omegaverse manga like this masterpiece here! Where the alphas are NOT complete assholes or the omegas complete pathetics or sluts... Beying omegaverse just to do a bad porn......OOF NOT ANYMORE!!
Give all those fluffy omegaverse with good plot and family making, I'll read them all with my tears of joy! ╥﹏╥
