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dont take this manga too seriously to the point u depend ur love life on it :(

camie May 12, 2020 7:10 am

when i came to the comment section, the word “rape” is used everywhere to describe souma’s behavior but imo its just,, not that?? souma asks ryo if she wanted to stop but she didn’t say no which gave me the impression that she’s just one of those tsunderes.

and his jealousy towards ryo’s ex is completely understandable— i mean as we can see when they were having fun at the party earlier ryo was touched by another man but souma didnt seem to be bothered because he is the social type therefore he understands the whole situation.

but ofc it’d be different with a man who used to share past with ur current girlfriend and is clearly seemed like he rly tryna steal his girl. THOUGH i dont rly support the way souma expressed his jealousy by forcing sex to ryo instead of just talking like a normal person but then at the same time,,, this is not a normal shojo manga so...

ig all i can hope is that no one who reads this manga takes this seriously— as in like a dependable “guide” in relationship
