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I'm not gonna be popular with my opinion...

Amyzades May 9, 2020 8:29 pm

I really LOVE this manga. It was my first manga, my first BL, my first BDSM, my first everything. I bought the 9 books, so far. The story is excellent, the pairing is made in heaven. The art is magnificent (although, I would prefer if it was coloured). I like the sex part, but I really love the story development. I love the dialogues, how they talk to each other, I love the tenderness, I love the worryness Asami shows for Aki, and how he puts up with Aki's brat's behavior. I love to see his interactions with FeiLong, and I really, really think it's so cute that FeiLong comes to care so much about Aki. I wish I could some day watch a very beautiful and well done anime of this.
BUT.... I also think it's to much... I don't know if it's my western impatience, but chapters are really short, the waiting is really long, and it never untangles! There's always a hook hanging... Ok, the hook is usual, but you finish one story to make ANOTHER hook to a DIFFERENT one... It's being literally MONTHS to see where this is going to...
Sometimes I'm attacked with a bitterness, specially these days, when 'piracy' is so strongly fight.... Sometimes I think mangakas (NOT talking about Ayano specificly) have no sense of responsability, sometimes they're too young (again, NOT Ayano) and full of themselves, and don't think fans are not zombies... We have brains, and we do get tired or angry with disrespect.... I buy books and buy my stories (in general, because Finder I can't find anywhere, so I buy it when the book comes out) on sites like Lehzin, Webtoons, Canvas and Tappytoon. It's some serious money I spend in those sites. But sometimes is very disappointing, because the story suddenly finishes without a proper ending. The writer had a whatever problem and just wrap it up somehow. They pause too much. To make plastic surgeries, maybe. I don't know. Sometimes we wait a very long time, and finally a new chapter. When you read it, it's just a filler. Bummer. I was reading "Addiction", in Tappytoon, and it ended so lose, so senseless... Then I thought, "what a waste of MY money!" It had started so well, the art was so beautiful... So many things could have happenned, caracters developed, relationships evolved... So many lose ends... What I mean is: if they want to be taken seriously, they should begin thinking serously about the fans, either... About the plot, the story, re-read, see if everything closes up, about the waiting and the money they spend (they = paying fans), about being on time, and even about maybe thinking in a better way to attend the fans. Like Finder: It's a wonderful story, weel known, and I don't think bi-montly being published in a bigger magazine is enough anymore. It should be an individual publication, with a thicker story/ volume, dense adventures, profound caracteristics.
When we're older, in the REAL world, you just don't leave everything behind you because you had to make an elective surgery, or because you're panicking about something, or because you're too tired with your deadlines... I'm a lawyer, and I live by deadlines, and If I don't, it will reflect in my clients...
Anyway, I'm happy that FINNALLY something was published.
(Other stories that I LOVE, but the waiting bugs me: Acid Town, SuperLovers, Finder, Adicction, like I said, sucked in the end... There's more...)

    Anonymous May 9, 2020 9:21 pm

    Very well said. I share the exact same frustrations as yours. Just like you, Finder was my very first yaoi. Since then, I tried many others but none really gave me the same reading pleasure and satisfaction. Recently, I started Painter Of The Night. I was hooked immediately. The art quality is amazing and the seme has some cynical attitude that I love. But the first season just ended and the last chapters felt kinda rushed up. The author is taking a 3 months break... which is reasonable as long as she comes back with the same good quality but not having any guarantee regarding the trajectory of their work is quite upsetting. We, readers, get hooked and then all of a sudden something happens and the author decides to cut off the story and wrap up the manga. Sometimes, I wish the editors and publishers only accept manga once they are all done. Just like for novels, the author could take years to finish her work and then we only know about it -and pay for it- once it's published integrally.

    Amyzades May 9, 2020 11:20 pm
    Very well said. I share the exact same frustrations as yours. Just like you, Finder was my very first yaoi. Since then, I tried many others but none really gave me the same reading pleasure and satisfaction. Re... @Anonymous

    That's an excellent idea. Sell it when it's done. Really, who has "three months break", anyway??? I don't, do you? It's not just a vacation, it's THREE MONTHS!!! (I read Painter of The Night too, on Lehzin). Like Ayano, here: this was planned to go out in... I think it was 03.28. It's out just now. And I don't if you've seen it, in the last pannel, it comes back in 08.28.
    I mean... Man! And what I've read was that sge was going through an "elective surgery"... I don't know if it's true, and I don't know what tipe of elective, but if it was me, in my work, I would have to do it FASTER, EARLIER, rather than delay the work...
    And then, they (mangakas, authors, etc) scould everyone, giving speeches on piracy, author's rights and all. So be serious, to be taken seriously!