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Help me to find this manga please ☹

Jimin~ah May 6, 2020 12:54 pm

It's an omegaverse story. There's an alpha and Omega and they're childhood friends. I don't remember a lot about this manga cause I read this a year ago. But there's this scenario where the omega got raped or almost raped by a group of alpha kids this happened in their highschool days. One of the rapist is the omega's fated pair when the omega is about to get bitten his alpha best friend came to rescue and bite him instead. Fast forward, after that scene in their highschool days the childhood friends became pair and then suddenly their true destined pairs appears. That's the only thing that I remember I hope you guys can help me. ☹

    Jimin~ah May 6, 2020 1:40 pm ? Rou

    Yes, this is the one thanks! but did the translators drop this?

    Yue May 6, 2020 1:56 pm
    Yes, this is the one thanks! but did the translators drop this? Jimin~ah

    You can find the link to latest chapters in the comments. I don’t think the translator wants it on this site..

    Rou May 6, 2020 1:57 pm
    Yes, this is the one thanks! but did the translators drop this? Jimin~ah

    Oh I dunno haven't read this yet so I haven't really looked into it - I'm waitin for it to be completed

    Jimin~ah May 6, 2020 2:37 pm
    You can find the link to latest chapters in the comments. I don’t think the translator wants it on this site.. @Yue

    Okay thanks!