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Hmm, nope

Aila June 22, 2020 6:47 am

Unsatisfying ending. Main couple are still toxic and uncommunicative af. Taemin deserved to live his life free of all these drama biches, and Woojin is a callous dumbass who has no right or claim to Taemin. He "did all of this so he could give Taemin everything” but still sits there watching Taemin struggle by himself with a dead look in his eyes, waiting for him to break so he can scoop him up and pretend that he saved him. Taemin would never sit by and coldly watch anyone get hurt. What is this “all” that he wanted to give Taemin? He has nothing that Taemin needs or wants, and by doing so is insulting Taemin’s own hard work. All Taemin wanted was Woojin’s company. At least he could have protected Taemin, but he only did that at the end when he guilt-tripped Taemin into running back to him. He acted like he deserved the truth from Taemin because of everything he went through for him, when in reality Taemin never benefited. He could have sent a letter "I’m coming back for you" or at least supported him financially in secret, but no. Taemin doesn’t owe him shit, and Woojin didn’t earn anything with his cocky attitude. Woojin is not a good person- the biggest injustice of all was that the boy who committed suicide was never given closure, and the only one who cared was Taemin, who never even met him. Bitter ending overall. Except for Taemin, every character acted like they were the victim when they hurt others, and they can go to hell. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
