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Hm.. I'm not sure if the stab was necessary (I can see why she deserved it though). I hone...

Anonymous May 5, 2020 6:23 am

Hm.. I'm not sure if the stab was necessary (I can see why she deserved it though). I honestly do not think it was worth her bloodshed to try and protect her "husband" who she saw him cheat on her. Like who the heck would be like," okay run away with your lover, I got your back."

    Cid May 11, 2020 6:03 am

    Maybe her motto is "Love is blind"?

    AniMa chan May 17, 2020 12:36 pm
    Maybe her motto is "Love is blind"? Cid

    "Love is poison, love is blind"..

    moii June 5, 2020 6:08 am

    She failed at her job as the queen of the country and that was a revolution. She will either die by his hand or being humiliated from being executed in fornt of her people that she le lived in terror during her husband's rule. I think he was trying to give her a chance, but he fed up with her bc it was her stupid love and irresponsibility that ruin the country. Great power come great responsibility.

    Ps. I wonder why is her husband a king? I thought royal run through blood and not marriage, shouldn't her husband be her royal consort or like a king in name? I guess it's only for British monarch that value blood. Also like some monarchy that value male would have giving the throne to the oldest male of her branch family since she is the only dependent left of her family. Oh boi, I think I'm thinking too much. The author didn't go deep into European Monarchy system. Why am I bother? Oh geeze, quarantine is doing something to me.

    JustAYaoiFangirl June 8, 2020 2:54 am
    She failed at her job as the queen of the country and that was a revolution. She will either die by his hand or being humiliated from being executed in fornt of her people that she le lived in terror during her... moii

    We don't really have enough info. Whenever she was just irresponsible or outright caused harm to the people with gread/selfishness.

    Sharmoon June 8, 2020 9:45 am

    I am thinking that if he did not stab her for a quick death, her end in that revolution would be much worse. That stupid king basically abandoned her to an angry mob to save his hide. :((

    moii June 8, 2020 10:27 am
    We don't really have enough info. Whenever she was just irresponsible or outright caused harm to the people with gread/selfishness. JustAYaoiFangirl

    We dont have enough details in how she was irresponsible. But we do know that the country is in a bad condition enough to cost a revolution. Regardless, if where she is irresponsible or not. She is differently didn't try hard enough to help her people. She also stated that she didn't usually get involved in state affairs, this could infer that she was not a good ruler. At least enough to throw her country into chaos. Even though if it most her husband part, but she is also a ruler and she was not doing a good job.

    JustAYaoiFangirl June 8, 2020 10:59 am
    We dont have enough details in how she was irresponsible. But we do know that the country is in a bad condition enough to cost a revolution. Regardless, if where she is irresponsible or not. She is differently ... moii

    I mainly blame the king, not attending certain duties e.g. the one she attended in chapter 1.2 doesn't seem like something that could ruin w country.

    I might be biased but I totally blame her husband.

    Sharmoon June 9, 2020 11:20 am
    I mainly blame the king, not attending certain duties e.g. the one she attended in chapter 1.2 doesn't seem like something that could ruin w country.I might be biased but I totally blame her husband. JustAYaoiFangirl

    The king was a true a**hole. I think that because she was so in love with him, she did not really cared too much about what damage he did. She had rose tinted glasses when it came to him. She loved that nasty king more than her people. And that was her downfall I guess.

    JustAYaoiFangirl June 9, 2020 11:35 am
    The king was a true a**hole. I think that because she was so in love with him, she did not really cared too much about what damage he did. She had rose tinted glasses when it came to him. She loved that nasty k... Sharmoon

    You're probably right so she was a bad queen basically cuz she was foolish and in love.

    Sharmoon June 9, 2020 11:51 am
    You're probably right so she was a bad queen basically cuz she was foolish and in love. JustAYaoiFangirl

    Unfortunately, I hope that in her new life she will change her taste in men. Preferably, I want to see that Fritz humiliated.

    JustAYaoiFangirl June 9, 2020 1:07 pm
    Unfortunately, I hope that in her new life she will change her taste in men. Preferably, I want to see that Fritz humiliated. Sharmoon

    Same, I think that the guy who killed her will probably be the male lead.