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Xess Lucifer May 4, 2020 9:39 am

Well this has highlighted a very important issue in relationships....
The second the guy said "I like that u r perfect" I got this urge to kick him on the face
If I was instead of the seme I kinda would have known he doesn't love me that much
But it's another thing when ur partner is so time managing that he forgets the flow of love lol

    Jajamadam May 4, 2020 11:01 pm

    Perfection doesn't always mean perfection sometimes. It would mean the acceptance of flaws. Sometimes when someone is perfect then they a re perfect for you because you love them for who they are....rhats clearly not the case here but I just wanted to comment something somewhere.......

    Hi (=・ω・=)

    Natália May 5, 2020 1:40 am
    Perfection doesn't always mean perfection sometimes. It would mean the acceptance of flaws. Sometimes when someone is perfect then they a re perfect for you because you love them for who they are....rhats clear... Jajamadam

    I like this comment so much

    Lucifer May 5, 2020 5:33 am
    Perfection doesn't always mean perfection sometimes. It would mean the acceptance of flaws. Sometimes when someone is perfect then they a re perfect for you because you love them for who they are....rhats clear... Jajamadam

    Hi yo
    Well u were right in ur comment. And as I must say it was beautifully presented. But loving someone can be done for both sides either for someone's flaws or their strong points. But either way u have gotta except the other side of the person.
    Perfection still means perfection and it always will. But the way u percieve perfection differs, the best example for this being u.
    But then again when the other person says they like that u r perfect, have they even ever known u? Cause the perfect they praise in us can that even be......