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I really root for kazuki-kun. Kazuki-kun is the more honest and true lover, yes he had sex...

guest_7 June 18, 2014 12:26 am

I really root for kazuki-kun. Kazuki-kun is the more honest and true lover, yes he had sex with Mai but he was forced to, he didn't want to. I think it is best for Hina to be with kazuki-kun.

    Will June 19, 2014 6:00 am

    Though i respect your opinion, i feel that Youkadou should be with her.

    When she told her boyfriend that she wanted to break up with him she said she would have been fine if he had loved ikari while he was doing it but if didn't the she wouldn't forgive him.

    By her logic if you both loved each other than you just can't help it, but if you don't love her and still did it anyway (forced or not) you are completely in the wrong.

    Anonymous March 24, 2016 4:06 pm

    yeah kazu kun for the win

    Yamomo July 25, 2016 7:52 am

    I vote for Youkadou! No one forced kazu to but his penis in her. He could have easily push her off of him. No excuse for what he done but Youkadou really does love her(my opinion) :)