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Out of all BL GL Romance manga I've read...most relatable to me NOW

shinakoyuki81 May 2, 2020 7:50 pm

This manga got me all sorts of feels...I am also a Hikikomori for a few months now. Altho I have to say not as extreme as Junwoo and Wooyeon where they cut their wrists but everything else sorta matched (except I do go out to buy groceries cos since I live alone).

I think what really made me don't wanna keep in contact with people was my naivety of trying to get along with people while I was in retail for the past 3-4 years. More and more I realised I can't fit in with ppl no matter how I tried to make friends at work, I just couldn't help myself but becoming disappointed in humanity. I experienced a few forms of racist treatments from work colleagues and I was hurt from them (more like seeing flaws in humans really got me thinking that its futile to try to make connections). Working in beauty retail you see shits in people and you end up hating them. Maybe cos of my hatred I ended up taking unused old beauty testers time to time home and got ex colleagues told me that ppl thought I was stealing (I never took brand new products but there's no way I can explain myself now).

Also fully breaking up with my first relationship/bestfriend of 15 years really got to me, she was there for more than half of my life...having her leaving my life felt like someone has died (even now I keep telling myself everything will be okay but it's still not okay because its only officially off the beginning of this year). I am not as good as Junwoo where he's got a job from home...since I had no qualification of any sort I couldn't get a job from home like he did (I have a cert 4 qualification that got me into uni but I quit 4 weeks in cos I hated it).

Truth to be told I've wanted to be a Youtuber for a long time...but because of my eczema and of how hard it is to be consistent with uploading and editing I didn't last for long (also cos I feel like there's nothing interesting about me anyway not like I used to). I used to be a social butterfly that doesn't belong to just 1 specific friendship group unlike many of the girls in high school. I liked having friends everywhere and I think it was the way it should be. Now I closed myself off because losing my first ex/bestie plus also lost my other bestie (we sorta just fell out of contact) made me realised no point making friends because they leave you anyway.

I used to not mind when ppl who I became super close with ended up leaving (had many bestfriends in my life here and there). However losing my ex/bestie really killed me I think...since I've had her around for so long...I don't know if I will be back up again and be able to trust and make connections again but for now I'm feeling better as time goes on. Like if it wasn't cos of COVID, i'd meet a lot of ppl from the dating apps by now.

This manga was relatable to the point that I feel uplifted and think maybe I could also change myself. I realised how much I was dependant on my ex in high school to make me feel confident about myself. I realised I was getting the confidence having her around. I was never confident and I wanted to be seen like I was by her hence why she got together with me thinking that I'd be inspiring for her till she knew who I truly was in side (like Wooyeon). I think I relate to Wooyeon the most...appear confident and bright but sensitive and shattered inside. Also when you thought Wooyeon gets along with ppl as he appeared to be in the first chapters and then found out later that he doesnt get along as he appears to be to Junwoo. You realised its how he wanna come off as to Junwoo. All is too relatable. He is a real nice dude though and truly genuine (and hot). I want a Wooyeon in my life rather than a prince charming haha.
