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it’s unrealistic to think an 18 y/o and a 36 y/o would end up in a commited and loving r...

professional_fag May 2, 2020 5:52 pm

it’s unrealistic to think an 18 y/o and a 36 y/o would end up in a commited and loving relationship but this being a BL manhwa, im throwing that ideology out the window lolol

    Lol_loL May 2, 2020 6:26 pm

    Non so unrealistic
    Tom ford and Richard Buckley have 14 years gap but have been together for 35 years now they met when one had 25 years and the other 38

    flowersforricht May 2, 2020 9:41 pm

    There will always be exceptions but an age gap that big when one of them is barely an adult is almost certainly not going to end up together. The older the younger of the pair is (like in the example above, where the younger was 25), the less the age gap matters because their maturity levels are both pretty similar but the maturity of a guy fresh out of high school and a guy who has a well-established business and serious relationships behind him is HUGE.

    professional_fag May 3, 2020 5:01 am
    There will always be exceptions but an age gap that big when one of them is barely an adult is almost certainly not going to end up together. The older the younger of the pair is (like in the example above, whe... flowersforricht

    couldn’t agree more^^