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Some of the chapters are appearing out of order, but other than that, I like it. The Qin M...

SayerSong May 1, 2020 2:08 pm

Some of the chapters are appearing out of order, but other than that, I like it. The Qin Mo is SO friggin cute and adorable!!!! I don’t normally condone jealousy, but the fact that he gets so jealous of even inanimate objects (is a script more attractive than me?!? Is a tv more attractive than me?!?), is hilarious!

I also love the cousin/driver. He is awesome in the way he handles things. And both are so protective of Shen Xi, and treasure him so much. And that Shen Xi is so capable of protecting himself and others too. Seriously, what is not to like about the main characters here? They are all so awesome!

Though I do feel for the secretary who has to play go between. Lol I pray for her sanity.
