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Spolier Okay so I was skimming the raws and.... RYU FEEL OFF THE CLIFF!!! So...

Anonymous April 30, 2020 9:01 pm


Okay so I was skimming the raws and.... RYU FEEL OFF THE CLIFF!!! So like, he was going for Yoonsuel(can't spell her name) and then he got shot with an arrow(I think he was trying to fight her or protect her? Idk). He ends up falling instead of her and they try to reach out for each other (╯°Д °)╯UGH. I kinda ship them... Ryu, Yoonseul and Prince Penis dude fall down the cliff. When Yoonsuel gets to the bottom, she ends up getting attack by these weird tentacles things(yeah I'm serious guys the tentacle monsters) . But like...Ryu is like some sort of monster or something, he's the one controlling them?? Look I don't understand Korean but that's all I got from the raws.

    Akane99 May 17, 2020 1:39 am

    Lol can you pls at least remove the "RYU FEEL OFF" from the title of your comment ? The spoiler alert is useless haha

    Anonymous May 17, 2020 2:34 am
    Lol can you pls at least remove the "RYU FEEL OFF" from the title of your comment ? The spoiler alert is useless haha Akane99

    oof my bad XD lol

    Anonymous May 17, 2020 2:35 am
    Lol can you pls at least remove the "RYU FEEL OFF" from the title of your comment ? The spoiler alert is useless haha Akane99

    I meant "Ryu fell off a cliff". Whoops. I can't actually edit that comment since this isn't actually an account :P