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I swear the guy got on my nerves every time he mentioned her nude photos. Of course Mr. Ri...

Slut Shamming April 28, 2020 10:22 pm

I swear the guy got on my nerves every time he mentioned her nude photos. Of course Mr. Rich boy with silver spoon would look down on others and have the mentality of a man born in the 1800s. I wish she did those photos just for fun, because it doesn't matter why someone does with their body and he should respect her point period no matter her reasoning.

    agathat April 30, 2020 6:46 pm

    This is the double moral we women must live: men could have sex with thousand women, appear nude in internet, etc... and no problem... women has sex with only one man and she is a slut and have her naked photos taken means she is an easy woman who will jave sex with everyone...

    It makes me angry every time I see this double moral!!!

    Comadrin July 26, 2020 4:53 pm

    Ah, nothing like our lovely patriarchal society mould that gives us such wonderful templates for judging people based on their gender and their economic status. It makes me think of the typical male reaction to a rape that was common not that long ago, "What was she wearing?" Very much like certain religious leaders who blame the randiness of young men on the "immodesty" of women. Having once been a young man myself, I know for a fact that their pronouncement is a crock of s**t. As for the socio-economic status, I think of the "47% of lazy, good-for-nothing people who are perennially expecting a handout from honest taxpayers" that was a major part of a presidential campaign nearly a decade ago. It's actually called being poor, often part of the working poor, and it's very seldom something that happens by choice. Virulent prejudice against the poor is nothing new, and it is as prevalent today as it has ever been. Rich women can have "affairs." Poor women are just sluts.

    Disgusting, isn't it?