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Mirror should've explained at least the reason why Alice has to be king... but maybe it's ...

Random reader April 27, 2020 6:48 pm

Mirror should've explained at least the reason why Alice has to be king... but maybe it's good he didn't. I mean, if the red king knew the truth, he would go against it and put measures against it so Snow White would stay there forever. We don't particularly know who this "prince" is, and though I've seen spoilers, I still can't be too sure and it's still confusing. Of course, neither he nor Alice know this prince, but if for Alice, it's all ok as long as Snow White is happy and gets saved (in spite of his occasional hesitation), for the red king, it's probably that he stays with her in that mirror world no matter what (even if he was the prince, he'd probably be like, "Why go back to that world of pain when you can stay here with me forever, where time keeps rewinding.") - and goodness knows what he'd want to do to the prince, or whoever it is he percieves is the prince. I don't know, he's an odd one I can't understand together with maybe Cheshire, Crazy, Smart and Mirror. Oh, and Snow White's dad. I don't get him even more now.

But those empty eyes of Snow White worries me... she finally recalled... and now, all her hope is crushed. Not only that... considering how she ate the poisoned food, she'd probably think that she's not supposed to be here and her mother doesn't want her no matter what she does, and would be happier with her dead.
I'm not particularly fond of the red king, but for now, I hope he takes care of Snow White right now! He better not hurt her! Alice, please hurry and save her already!
