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Kinda meh about how they keep trying to force the romance... I think it can wait, they're ...

2seung April 27, 2020 1:29 pm

Kinda meh about how they keep trying to force the romance... I think it can wait, they're just kids, it's not exactly exciting to watch an 8 year old swoon over a 4 year old (or however old Lippe is). I'd rather just watch her outsmart adults than watch every male child swoon over an adult in a female preschooler's body lol

    plum&pancakes April 27, 2020 1:35 pm

    lmao that s on pOINt

    maychan May 2, 2020 1:50 am

    yeas she technically adult women inside a child body so she is not a child XD
    thank god I drop this early.