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rivaicchi April 25, 2020 6:11 pm

Spoilers. Really sad chapters.
I'll try to summarize with my poor korean and it's really late night now so i'm sorry if i'm wrong because i don't really have energy left.
We see Jaehyun is unconscious but he heard someone calling his name and he said stop calling him because he wants to sleep more, because how long has it been since he is in peace state like this(oh my god i'm so sad), and turns out it's professor kang who cried(yes he's crying so hard) and Jaehyun found it funny and ironic because he swears minwoo never cares about him even if he's crying or hurt(jesus i'm crying he really seeks for professor's love). But Jaehyun just closes his eyes and begs to let him sleep peacefully this time. After that we saw Seojin running to the hospital, he entered Jaehyun's room and is shouting at Minwoo. Minwoo's face is full of guilt, and then they talked about Jaehyun's situation outside of the room.

Minwoo explained that Jaehyun's wrist is dislocated therefore there's no way he can play piano anymore(I'm CRYING SO BAD). He said he will take the responsibility of Jaehyun and take him to Germany with him(old man i swear to god you're too late). Seojin is disgusted and said what's the point of that? It's already too late, HE CANT PLAY PIANO ANYMORE. I think Seojin said, you're just running away(because they're outed by that disgusting secretary and the wife). After that (i'm sorry if i'm wrong), Seojin said something like "if it's really true love between you and Jaehyun, don't run away" (At this rate, i think the end game will be Minwoo and Jaehyun)

Jaehyun woke up, he tried to move his right hands.. and failed.... He's utterly shocked. I swear to god the look in his face when he realized he can't move his hands is... heartbreaking. He ripped of his IV and he run away.. i don't know where, but he's very emotional, i'm scared he will do something that will harm him. You know how ambitious he is about piano, he's even picked by Minwoo by then because of piano when he has no one in the world. Without piano, he must be an empty shells.. I just don't want this to be a sad ending. To be totally honest, i'm not sure who will be the endgame. But if i can express my opinion, Jaehyun will choose Minwoo. You see how desperate he is for Minwoo, and as much as i think he's a fool for this, but it's emotional attachment.. as you can see back then he was abandoned by his parents and lives alone for a long time until Minwoo came to his life and being his one and only support for him both financially and emotionally, and now Minwoo puts efforts for their relationship.. even though for me it's too late. But i don't know how will this end because the author likes to twist the ending(her previous works is the evidence). Personally i don't really care who will he ended up with, because i enjoy the story, i have no side for the two main guy.

I'm sorry if i'm not 100% accurate!

    Lilalilala April 25, 2020 7:18 pm

    Thamk you so much. Really enjoyed your summary and little comments (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Anonymous April 26, 2020 2:40 am

    Thank you. Why Germany ? He can’t play piano anymore plus they just broke up. I hope seojin will help and support Jaehyun because he’s having a mental issue now.

    itsme May 1, 2020 5:02 pm

    yea seriously, I just want him to end up being loved and at peace with himself at the end. It doesn't matter to me who he ends up with.