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Of course he chose the Rapist

Bootxs April 25, 2020 4:09 pm

Of course he chose the Rapist

    jayleesuk July 15, 2020 6:36 pm

    both were rapists. and the friend was even worse because it was his fucking friend. someone he trusted.

    Fujo06 October 4, 2020 5:23 pm

    Nope he choosed his friend (look at the outfit of the guy on the last page)

    IDEK October 26, 2020 12:46 pm
    Nope he choosed his friend (look at the outfit of the guy on the last page) Fujo06

    Look at the hair if you rewind a couple chapters you'll notice it's the blond, not the friend.

    Creebit November 17, 2020 2:52 pm
    Nope he choosed his friend (look at the outfit of the guy on the last page) Fujo06

    they're all kinda wearing different outfits on last page, the main dude wore a white jacket and in the last one a black one, doesn't matter either way cause it only made sense that he chose blondie after their "confession"