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I want mooore! I fucking hate the older bro, he deserves to be thrown into jail and raped(...

aBiE April 25, 2020 11:05 am

I want mooore! I fucking hate the older bro, he deserves to be thrown into jail and raped( just like how he did to his younger bro). The art is good and I wanted to see Wan and Ha woo get it on( u know what I mean)

...but it's completed so I guess no heated scenes for me

    aBiE April 26, 2020 7:35 pm

    Yeah I guess in a way you're right but because of him Ha woo was traumatized and broken to point where he started to become like him. The older bro doesn't even have a traumatic past experience or anything to justify his actions, he just wanted Ha woo all to himself no matter what it took) yeah he changed his looks because he thought he didn't fit in with his family and thought Ha woo would finally accept him but as we can see he didn't ( I personally think he should've just treated Ha woo nice and give him time to adjust but he chose the hard way out because he was one impatient fuck and should suffer for what he did).

    *I know it's long but I just felt like venting ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    aBiE April 27, 2020 3:50 am

    What you're saying makes sense it's basically making the same mistakes all over again, so what kind of punishment do you think he deserves?

    KeirHan April 28, 2020 10:56 am

    When did they mention he was raped by his brother?