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Quenkani April 24, 2020 4:38 pm

Could someone please spoil me a few things?
1) Is there a happy ending?
2) Does he end up with that blue-eyed chinese guy?
3) Will it break my heart because he's going to enter the entertaiment world and be, like, used/abused because he wants to keep doing that? I gusess I just want to ask if it is gonna be rape or something like that...

I have a weak heart, but as long as I know there is a happy ending, I will read it until the end. :'( That's why it breaks my heart to hear from people how heartbreking it will be. xd

    Merenda April 24, 2020 5:46 pm

    Spoilers from comment-hunting and some raw

    Yes and yes very bad past tragedy comes back plus another seme. I love this author but too much anguish is not for me so I will not read it I think

    Merenda April 24, 2020 5:47 pm

    I meant 1 yes 2 yes

    Devon-chi April 24, 2020 5:53 pm

    Well, it is an happy ending, but if you have a weak heart it would be better if you wait for it to be completely translated. It's gonna be pretty heart wrenching and heavy

    Quenkani April 24, 2020 7:22 pm
    Spoilers from comment-hunting and some raw,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes and yes very bad past tragedy comes back plus another seme. I love this author but too much anguish is not for me so I will not read it I think Merenda

    Thank you! I love this author as well, that's why I want to give it a chance. :D It's gonna be hard, but I'm gonna try. ;'(

    Quenkani April 24, 2020 7:25 pm
    Well, it is an happy ending, but if you have a weak heart it would be better if you wait for it to be completely translated. It's gonna be pretty heart wrenching and heavy Devon-chi

    Thank you! Waiting will probably do good for me, so I'm planning to do that. :D It's always reassuring to read a whole story at once and see happy ending (not wait for it for months ;_; waiting for such things is hard).

    Devon-chi April 24, 2020 8:12 pm

    I know how you feel because I'm the same :( but well, I think you can definitely read up to chapter 20 and something, nothing crucial happens in those chapters! Up to you ;)