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Zae April 21, 2020 11:09 am

We did it bois. Rape is no more

But seriously, I’m loving the characters and the little signs during the X scenes and just love that people are just people who wanna fuck like irl. Miso is so fucking adorable and I love his love for Hani, it’s not toxic and at the same time Hani isn’t branded as some slut cuz she enjoys sex. It’s all just so progressive and we have a CHUBBY SIDE CHARACTER Im so fucking excited to read this. I usually can’t stomach mature manhwa cuz it fucks up in one way like hypnosis sick but I’m actually in love with this story and plot. MC gets puss cuz he has a big dick and not on some sex drug and that’s amaze balls

    hex#638c08 April 22, 2020 12:17 am

    I KNOOOOWWW RIGHT?? i think this manhwa should be an example: it has characters worried about consent, it portrays the usual behavion pattern in manhwa as abusive and agressive (which is awesome bc it is), the female pleasure is not based as "penetration is the only way to orgasm" and it shows a relationship that even if sexual, has communication between the couple!!
    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ it is great