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I feel for all parties involved. My thoughts. UKE: Its really hard when you think you clo...

Bellagio April 20, 2020 11:57 am

I feel for all parties involved. My thoughts.

UKE: Its really hard when you think you closed off a part of your life and thought you moved on until your past is unexpectedly starring you in the face. And now you have all these unresolved feelings shaking up your life that was going perfectly fine. All the things you pushed to the back of your mind. All the feelings you swallowed down just to move forward in life from a hurtful past is now in the forefront blocking your path

SEME: Why me? Is the first thing that comes to mind. What did I do wrong? Did I not love you enough? Did all my efforts fall upon blind eyes and deaf ears? This just screams “What did I ever do to you?” To be blindsided like this is so hurtful when you thought things were going so good. You were so in love even ignored the red flags.

SIDE SEME: Everybody always wishes they had a second chance at something, especially love. You never really mean to end things on bad terms so if you have the chance to start over again, wouldn’t you too? And this time you’ll fight harder because you don’t want things to end the same, no matter the obstacles or consequences. This love was yours and you want to reclaim it.

    Dilly April 20, 2020 12:05 pm

    What you said about seme breaks my heart. I can totally imagine him thinking along thoae lines ╥﹏╥
    But side seme gives me real bad vibes. I don't think he really loves the uke. It just feels like he wants to cause chaos and leave. Especially when he smiles, he looks like he's plotting summin.

    Bellagio April 20, 2020 12:15 pm
    What you said about seme breaks my heart. I can totally imagine him thinking along thoae lines ╥﹏╥But side seme gives me real bad vibes. I don't think he really loves the uke. It just feels like he wants... @Dilly

    We haven’t really seen him do anything shady yet though.