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Ohh boy am I gonna get hate for this !

SkyGirl April 20, 2020 11:01 am

Im bad with names so bare with me pls. Sometimes ppl in long relationship come to a point where they think that it can't forward anymore and they are stuck in one place and do dumb stuff like cheat . Im not saying it's like that in the story but I like that the plot has a more realistic view on things , like maybe he still loves the brownhaired guy . Maybe he doesn't know what he wants . Sometimes ppl lose themselves and do stupid shit . I like the story , it' s diffrent than just cheating or fluffy love in my opinion <3

    BionicKnight April 20, 2020 11:24 am

    I think when he saw his ex he felt that excitement of his old young love so he maybe thought that he loves him but after with him maybe he is realizing that it’s not so much a love as excitement or something idk just guessing here

    Dyke Recruiter April 20, 2020 11:40 am

    as much as i dislike the uke, i think you’re right. a lot of couples go through that when they’re together for a while, and the whole plot is that woohyun didn’t remember why they started dating, so maybe he just wasn’t *feeling* the love. i think they’re both gonna use this as a kind of wake up call and probably end up back together, but im not sure what’s gonna happen with the other guy.

    SkyGirl April 20, 2020 3:28 pm
    I think when he saw his ex he felt that excitement of his old young love so he maybe thought that he loves him but after with him maybe he is realizing that it’s not so much a love as excitement or something ... BionicKnight

    Yeah i thought so too . Maybe he was frustraded because it ended out of no where and he needed closure about the relationship !! ( ̄へ ̄)

    SkyGirl April 20, 2020 3:32 pm
    as much as i dislike the uke, i think you’re right. a lot of couples go through that when they’re together for a while, and the whole plot is that woohyun didn’t remember why they started dating, so maybe... Dyke Recruiter

    I don't really know , but I'm excited to see how this story turns out <3