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Chapter 55 things, don't read u less you haven't read chapter 55 Wait di...

Artemis April 16, 2020 10:46 pm

Chapter 55 things, don't read u less you haven't read chapter 55

Wait did he lose focus because he called his name? Or was it something else?

    IceQueen4U April 20, 2020 5:19 am

    I don't think Sakura Dogase shouting his name was what made him fall. Amahara Mitsukk is really good at shutting out the world around him during competitions and practice. He kind of creates his own little microcosm where only he exists, right?

    For me, it kind of felt like he'd been so stuck in his own world, focused on moving his body exactly as he wants with zero boundaries, that he forgot about the competition. Like, the bar didn't exist for him in that moment, so he completely missed it.
    Sakura Dogase shouted his name, and it brought him back to the here and now. Reality.

    I don't know if he can salvage his routine or if he'll just plummet to the mat below~