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A little more theory

SeekingSanity April 15, 2020 5:49 pm



I reread some of the beginning. Indeed the original Athy was execute by hanging.

If what Lucas implied at the end of 70 is what I think he implied, she has a unique magic that can reverse time. But so far it only seems to have been triggered whenever she died. Not only can it reverse the clock, but it can even reincarnate her into other lives. On the third reincarnated she brought with her the memories of her second life. However, she may also have memories of her first but remembers them as a strange storybook she happened upon in her second life.

But with each reincarnation it seems like her magic gets stronger. It's almost like a magic of rebirth. Now Claude has absorbed this magic, but his body can't control it. It's progressively turning back time. He's not just forgotten Athy, he's actually forgetting her. Athy's magic is providing fuel to the curse he put on himself. Every time the curse starts to fade again her curse turns back to the clock to its peak. Athy's magic is like instant healing for the curse. Every time it's weakened, her magic restores it back. That's likely why Lucas can't do much because her magic immediately undid his attempts at removing the curse.

My own theory of why Jeanette is a stabilizer is because her magic directly interferes or neutralizes the curse in someway because she is a being brought to life by dark magic. As an entity of black magic she likely absorbs parts of the curse or neutralizes it somehow.

Claude put that curse on himself likely because he was so bitter about Athy's mother choosing to have Athy against his wishes even though the birth would likely kill her. He couldn't stand the grief so cursed himself to forget everything about Athy's mother and to deaden those "unnecessary" feelings as he often calls them. He wanted to feeling nothing. The only feeling he spared was his hatred for Athy. That was the feeling he let stay in his heart.

However, the punishment of what he did is that it turned him into a complete monster by taking away his ability to feel anything but hate. This is likely why he responded in the original story so strongly to Jeanette. She seems to neutralize the curse and he was able to feel something beside hate. By the time Athy was 14, Claude's curse had killed his emotions so completely that feeling anything at all was like getting a drink of water after days of walking in a desert without it.

However, meeting Athy at 5 blocked the curse from completely killing his emotions and reversed the effects of the curse. Well, until the Blacky Incident.

Just my thoughts.
