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I think I understand...

SeekingSanity April 14, 2020 1:04 pm

Theory. Possible Spoiler.



I think what Lucas just implied is that this Athy is also the Athy who died at Claude's hands. When she died the first time by being hung, her magic awoke and she reversed time and went into another life in our world. That life also did not work out and she killed herself. Time was again reversed and she went back to her original life. This time she remembered her first life as that of a storybook she read in her second life. In the third life she remembered her second life, but only remembered her first as a storybook.

That's my theory.

If so, she is the original Athy but who has lived through two lives before this one. Each one did not work out.

Claude used black magic to wipe out his memories of Athy's mother. He cursed himself so he would forget. However, meeting Athy before the curse wiped out his memory of her mother's face stalled and reversed the curse.

However, when he absorbed Athy's magic to save her, it reignited the curse and took away all memory of her mother and Athy as well. The curse also left him with the hatred of Athy and desire to kill her as he had in the previous life.

My theory is that to free Claude she will have to reabsorb the magic he took from her. As long as her magic remains in his body time will continue to reverse and the curse will worsen.

Just my theory tho.

    Krolshi April 14, 2020 6:27 pm

    Bruh, your mind tho. But really this would make so much sense and plus it would explain what Lucas was spouting; it’s the most plausible answer and I’m just gonna stick with this to ease my anxiousness over this manhwa (๑•ㅂ•)و

    Adjoa B April 14, 2020 8:02 pm

    Hi. I’m sorry for the downvote. It was an accident

    manga puppy April 14, 2020 8:34 pm

    Yes yes I thought the sameee. But the black magic part I think it has something to do with athy’s mom pregnancy and athy sucking out her life force. Which may also mean her magic to rewind things has something to do with her mom’s death

    ZenRyu April 15, 2020 12:04 am

    Mind blown.. Dude.. Now it seems the most plausible answer to me too.. The black magic may also have to do with Claude trying to save Athy's mom? I mean what other desperate situation can arise to make someone use black magic?