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Suana1 April 11, 2020 5:44 pm

I know that nux wasn’t a very detailed character but if you read between the lines you can’t help but feel sorry for him. he was burden in being nux for thousands of years constantly having to live up to people expectations, and when he saw that there was a way out he took it. So when he killed himself it was his way of saying goodbye to the pain he has been feeling even if it was an extreme way. Am just going to guess that the author probably didn’t convey it right.

    Anon April 11, 2020 11:14 pm

    I agree I actually felt sorry for him to think that he went as far as to kill himself as soon he got rid of the responsibility pretty much shows he was going thru a lot

    akane006 April 11, 2020 11:29 pm

    I have not think about this...

    Anonymous April 12, 2020 12:26 am

    I am almost sure we'll get to know Nux more IF we get more than one ship in this work (which will depend how popular the work at the original punlishing website is). Jooyoung probs will become the new Nux and as I remembered he'll then also get the memories of all the previous Nuxes and then we could see more what all the past Nuxes went through in the past. But it's an IF case, that I hope we'll see ヾ(☆▽☆)