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zayum ma

grace April 8, 2020 4:08 am

i can't even take nora or the crown prince seriously because they just look like kids like the prince is literally friends with shuli's stepson.. these weird age gaps are messing with me

    Rice Daddy April 8, 2020 5:48 am

    It’s more psychological than anything, because if you think about it, the prince and shuli are only a few years apart, if not the same age... she married into the family when she herself was a child. Technically speaking, there’s not a big age gap

    KiryuuYuki407 April 8, 2020 7:16 am

    Don't worry, Shuli is just (physically) 1 or 2 years apart from the prince & Nora, she's 16 while they're 14-15...

    Seriously, it's so cruel how they married a literal child to a grown man (the kid's father) & then they expected her to take perfect care of the kids when the dad passed away... It's so unfair, she was not going to do it well at all in her first life, she was almost the same age of the biggest child, she was also a kid, pfffttt... But oh well... At least with this second chance she's mentally more mature...

    grace April 8, 2020 4:58 pm
    Don't worry, Shuli is just (physically) 1 or 2 years apart from the prince & Nora, she's 16 while they're 14-15... Seriously, it's so cruel how they married a literal child to a grown man (the kid's father)... KiryuuYuki407

    yeah i'm looking forward to seeing her thrive this life

    grace April 8, 2020 5:00 pm
    It’s more psychological than anything, because if you think about it, the prince and shuli are only a few years apart, if not the same age... she married into the family when she herself was a child. Technica... Rice Daddy

    i see that! still makes me laugh though.. i still don't know if i'll be able to see them as real male leads until they grow up and stop looking 12

    My regret is non-existent April 10, 2020 2:49 pm
    i see that! still makes me laugh though.. i still don't know if i'll be able to see them as real male leads until they grow up and stop looking 12 grace

    Lmao "looking 12" I feel the same tho