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I understand how woojae’s felt. I think he’s been considerate until he can’t anymore...

Rin Hana April 2, 2020 9:20 am

I understand how woojae’s felt. I think he’s been considerate until he can’t anymore. He was in pain and doing “cheat” on purpose to let seme taste how he felt. Instead of jealous, seme was hurt. But still his words has not reach seme to consider how he felt. I feel sorry for both. If they can’t fix this, they should just break up. It won’t do any good dating with someone who just hurt each other tho you were in love.

P/s: they might not have a good ending coz the author seems wanted to shows the realistic context of a different relationship. Hojun and gyulwoo has outcome their problems and have a healthy relationship. This couple..... im not sure anymore dude ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
